RISE Partner Online Meeting

RISE Focus Group Discussions with experts in preventing and combating sexual violence in Cyprus

The Focus Group Discussions with experts in Cyprus were organized on 15th May 2024 (1st group-physically) and on 10th June 2024 (2nd group-online). They represented part of the methodology utilized in the primary research study conducted in Cyprus, withing the framework of the RISE Project, simultaneously with the other partner countries, namely Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain. The focus group discussions were organized by the Social Policy and Action Organization .

The purpose was to gain insights and perspectives on the issue of sexual violence in sports. The focus group discussions will explore various aspects of this topic, aiming to understand the experiences, perceptions, and suggestions for possible future interventions of participants.

Other focus group discussions organized included those with sports administrators, female athletes and male athletes.

At the moment all partner organizations are finalizing the analysis of the data and information collected, during the secondary research and the focus group discussions.

During the next phase of the research, all partners will distribute a Research Questionnaire to measure the prevalence of sexual violence in sports.

At the end of the Research Studies, by all partner countries, comprehensive Research Reports entitled a) “Prevalence of Sexual Violence” and b) “Assessment of Sensitization and Awareness Needs and Mapping of Good Practices for Prevention of Sexual Violence” will be developed and published.

Stay tune for more information on the RISE Project.

* Photos from the physical Focus Group Discussion organized with the 1st group of experts in Cyprus.