
Rise Empowered Above Sexual Violence in Sports

The ‘RISE: Rise Empowered Above Sexual Violence in Sports’ represents a pioneering and innovative project, co-funded by the European Union, addressing prevention of sexual violence in Sports. The RISE project suggests a bottom-up holistic human-centred approach comprised by certain activities and practices, which is believed to cover an existing gap in the sports field, regarding strategies, policies, practices which effectively contribute towards prevention of all forms of sexual violence in sports and social, psychological, and other support to victims.

Throughout its duration, the project suggests innovative and effective activities which contribute towards combating all forms of sexual violence in sports. Different forms of sexual violence include among others sexual harassment, sexual abuse of children, rape or attempt for rape, dissemination of naked photos/videos without consent, catcalling, gaslighting, digital sexual violence, indecent exposure and others. During the implementation of activities other related forms of violence will be tackled as well including psychological, physical and verbal violence, which in most case co-exist with sexual violence incidences.

The RISE project represents the follow-up of previously implemented by partners organizations and other stakeholders, co-funded by Erasmus+ projects (please see more on the LIST OF INITIATIVES) and envisions to take a step further all efforts undertaken to eradicate sexual violence, complimenting existing work done on the field.

News and Updates

Behind Every Choice You Make

7th Article RISE Research Study

‼️ Calling All Athletes!

❓We want to hear from YOU! We're conducting an anonymous survey to better understand experiences of sexual violence in sports. 👥Whether you're an active athlete,...

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RISE Project Promo Video

In sports, safety comes first! We're excited to introduce #RiseErasmus - Rise Empowered Above Sexual Violence in Sports, a groundbreaking initiative co-funded by the #ErasmusPlus...

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Project Activities

Behind Every Choice You Make

WP1: Project Management and Coordination

WP2: Research Studies and Knowledge Sharing

WP3: Development of Protocols, Policies and Guides for Prevention and Combat of Sexual Violence in Sports​​

WP4: Development of an Educational and Training Programme and E-Learning and Training Platform on Prevention of Sexual Violence in Sports

WP5: Skill Development, Knowledge Enhancement, Sensitization and Awareness Raising on Prevention of Sexual Violence

WP6: Development of Digitalized Audio-visual Educational, Sensitization and Awareness-raising Tools and Materials​

WP7: Project Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation​

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