RISE Project

a pioneering and innovative project addressing prevention of sexual violence in Sports.


The ‘RISE: Rise Empowered Above Sexual Violence in Sports’ represents a pioneering and innovative project addressing prevention of sexual violence in Sports. Sexual violence is considered among the most serious social phenomenon, occurring against any person, regardless gender, age, race at any place, at any time. It is well acknowledged that the more people become sensitized and aware of the ruinous consequences caused to victims by any form of sexual violence, starting from traumas, even leading to death, and the more primary prevention actions are adopted, chances of combating it increase tremendously. The duration of the project is 36 months and is co-funded by the European Union.

Throughout its duration the project suggests innovative and effective activities which contribute towards combating all forms of sexual violence in sports. Different forms of sexual violence include among others sexual harassment, sexual abuse of children, rape or attempt for rape, dissemination of naked photos/videos without consent, catcalling, gaslighting, digital sexual violence, indecent exposure and others. During the implementation of activities other related forms of violence will be tackled as well including psychological, physical and verbal violence, which in most case co-exist with sexual violence incidences.


a) to develop and promote a comprehensive set of policies, guidelines and tools for prevention of sexual violence, to be adopted by different Sport Stakeholders, building on existing practices developed under previous EU projects and on authentic data and information gathered during research studies conducted during this project

b) to sensitize, raise awareness and enhance knowledge, know-how and skills on all related to sports either as individuals or as entitles, on sexual violence prevention methods and tools. Thus, contributing to ensuring a safe and sexual violence-free sport environment for all and at the same time intervening in time to prevent sexual violence acts,

c) to raise awareness among young people related to sports, especially athletes, on the phenomenon of sexual violence, risk indicators, prevention techniques, reporting and getting support actions in case of victimization.

Specific Objectives

Target Groups

The project’s target groups include among others:

  • Athletes, especially young people, including those with fewer opportunities.
  • Individuals, organisations, and personnel of the professional network of the project partners.
  • Professionals, Practitioners, experts, clubs and organisations in the Sports Field
  • High level private and governmental Sport Stakeholders, including Ministries, Sport Authorities or Agencies and others.
  • Youth workers and professionals of social inclusion, advancement, and those providing support to victims and survivors of sexual violence.
  • Schools, universities, training providers, educational hubs and other interested organisations at local, regional, national level
  • Decision-makers, governance at local, regional, national level, e.g. steering groups, boards, policy influencers.
  • Press and media and other stakeholders and general civil society.

Project Deliverables

Project outputs include publication of research reports, protocols, policies, guides, national and transnational learning and training programmes, E-learning and Training Platform, awareness raising campaign and promotional material, including videos, organization of a European Forum and national Info Days.