RISE Consortium
a pioneering and innovative project addressing prevention of sexual violence in Sports.
Coordinator Organization
Social Policy and Action Organization (SPAO), Cyprus
The Social Policy and Action Organization is a voluntary, non-profit organization (No.4146) established in in August 2014 in Cyprus. The aim of the Organization is to enhance the quality of life of people through the development, implementation and promotion of social policies and good practices aimed at social inclusion and integration, equality, active citizenship, youth participation and solving social needs and problems. The Organization’s programmes and actions are related to social welfare, health, employment, family, protection of human rights, education, socialisation, culture, environment, sports, and social protection.
Partner Organizations
American College of Greece Research Center, (ACG-RC) Greece
The American College of Greece Research Center (ACG-RC), a not-for-profit Research Center launched in 2020, acts as a platform for the promotion of research and innovation in the fields studied and taught in schools and divisions of The American College of Greece (ACG). These areas of inquiry range from the natural, social, and computational sciences to technology, education and communications, as well as the liberal and fine arts. ACG-RC fosters a diverse range of research, learning and innovation-oriented activities, hosts researchers and scholars from different countries and backgrounds, participates in collaborative projects — such as research grants funded by various entities — and collaborates with an array of partners from the academic, research, industrial, non-governmental and other domains.
Sports Club ALTIS (A.S. ALTIS), Greece
The Sports Club ALTIS represents a sports center, established by coaches and parents, where young gymnasts will be trained while having fun, be educated and under safe and healthy long-term preparation and development. S.C.Altis is engaging with excellent training and has built the last few years an excellent reputation at local level. Currently it has training sessions in Trampoline, Artistic Gymnastics and Gymnastics for All. The current President is a former Diving Athlete and a present coach Nikolaos Gravriilidis. The culture of Sports Club Altis is described as guided by a commitment to see all its athletes to be engaged in training for life. Its guiding principles are confidence, creativity, teamwork, athletic spirit and fair play. Its policy is to treat all members with dignity and respect; providing learning and personal-development, providing a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for athletes, staff and visitors.
Bulgarian Sports Development Association (BSDA), Bulgaria
BSDA implements projects a)for sustainable development of physical education and sport, b) development of strategies and programmes for sport tourism.c)Development and implementation of programmes related to development of sport, sports facilities and physical education,d)improvement of the health, physical condition and sports culture,holding youth problems as a priority,e) Optimization and mobilizing human and material potential in sport and personal development.f) Creating an enabling environment for sustainable and efficient management and entrepreneurship in sport and tourism; 7. Development of education in physical culture and sport and through sport, and informal continuing education in the field of sport, professional development, business and entrepreneurship; g)Protection of children, youth, professional athletes, coaches, sports figures and sports organizations.h) Stimulation of entrepreneurship and personal development of the youngsters.i) Prevention through sports.
Innovative Education Center (IEC Austria), Austria (BEN):
It was established in Vienna in 2019 by a group of experienced youth workers and international consultants. The aim of IEC Austria team is to develop projects, training courses and non-formal learning activities to support and improve the use of NFE, sport, music and art, as a tool for social inclusion, mutual understanding, entrepreneurial development, empowerment and leadership.
Centro Universitario Sportivo di Padova (C.U.S. Padova A.S.D.), Italy (BEN):
CUS Padova is one of the best-structured sport organization of the territory with 5.000 members enrolled, of which 900 athletes, 1.400 students playing amateur sports and several people playing a variety of leisure activities. CUS Padova manages two sport facilities with sixteen sections of competitive sports: Athletics, Rugby, Field hockey, Fencing, Greco-Roman wrestling, Judo, Cross-country skiing, Female Futsal, Volleyball, Tennis, Table Tennis, Triathlon, Ultimate Frisbee, Skeet shooting, Basketball and Wheelchair Basketball. Since 1988, we have been promoting international and national events of amateur and competitive sport and, in our sports facilities, European and International students’ exchanges take place every year.
Sport and Cooperation Network Foundation (Red Deporte), Spain (BEN):
Promotes education, health, integration and employability through sport. We are experienced in more than 20 countries worldwide carrying out programs in the community, focusing on youth development. Red Deporte has been sponsored by EU Youth program with European Voluntary Service, Solidarity Corps and Erasmus Sport programs. Red Deporte is an NGO with ECOSOC Consultative Status in the Economic and Social Council of United Nations. We are also members of other platforms and networks.